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MOSTI began in 1973 as the Ministry of Technology, Research and Local Government. In 1976, its responsibilities were expanded to matters concerning the environment and it was subsequently renamed as the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (MOSTE). In March 2004, MOSTE was re-structured and is now known as the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI). The main responsibilities are to lead and coordinate R&D; and innovation activities through research funds in five key areas of Biotechnology, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Industrial Technology, Core Science & Technology, and Sea, Space and Atmospherics. MOSTI's main goal is to contribute towards improving the socio-economic well-being of the community. In accordance with its vision of "Science, Technology and Innovation to generate knowledge, create wealth and societal well-being", MOSTI introduced a strategic focus area that is in line with the first and second thrusts of the National Mission (2006 – 2020). For more info: www.mosti.gov.my

By partnering with us, you will be seen as a dynamic, exciting organization to industry professionals – and further reinforces your presence in this very important sector.

The Show is supported by other marketing mix such as direct mailing, online promotion and email marketing, etc. Grab the opportunity and leverage your brand in the eyes of the most influential decision-makers in a wide range of industries.

For more information, please contact:
[email protected]

Education Hub

4 theatres to run multiple educational tracks of specific focus with highly engaging audiences

 Government Technologies Symposium 2013

 InfoSec Asia Conference 2013

 Mobile & Wireless Solutions Forum 2013

 Digital Marketing & Advertising Asia 2013

What's New

  Continuous & Professional Educational Pavilion to showcase professional courses and programs offered by IT training providers and higher learning institutions

  Product Updates Theatre serves as an excellent platform for exhibiting companies to grab available slots and turn them into a channel/partner event

  White Paper Corner with journals / case studies / research and findings are made available for download by all

  Multiple Technical Workshops with slots are made available to be hosted

Be Recognized

Mobile, Wireless & IT Security Awards 2013

Nominate your brand, products, or services for Mobile, Wireless & IT Security Awards 2013 in recognizing people and processes within the ICT industry for efforts, innovations and excellence
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Official Contractor
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